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Donna Gant
60 East Main St
Kings Park, NY 11754
Title: Associate Broker
Realtor Info:
I have been a real estate professional for over 20 years. I work all of New York State including areas such as Cambria Heights, Laurelton, Rosedale, Jamaica, Queens Village, St. Albans, Lynbrook, Valley Stream, and Elmont. I am very professional, and I have bought and sold many properties personally. I also invest and have a great feel for the Real Estate industry. I was a Broker on my own and then I found Keystone. My motto is if "Gant Can't, Nobody Can".

Nicole  Geddes
60 East Main St
Kings Park, NY 11754
Title: Salesperson for Keystone USA
Realtor Info:
I love to learn/work in all areas of real estate: residential, commercial, rental etc. I specialize in the areas of Shirley, Medford, Patchogue, Coram and Farmingville. Give me a call and I will help you find your dream home.

Gary Giustiniano
60 East Main St
Kings Park, NY 11754
Title: Salesperson
Realtor Info:
I am a licensed real estate salesperson living in the Town of Smithtown and covering the areas of Smithtown, St. James and Commack. Formerly an agent with Remax, I have been a licensed sales agent for seven years. I look forward to helping you with all of your real estate needs, so please give me a call.

Kevin L. Glenn
60 East Main St
Kings Park, NY 11754
Title: Salesperson for Keystone USA
Realtor Info:
I am a licensed real estate salesperson doing business in Brooklyn, Queens and Nassau County. I deal in both sales and rentals, and will be happy to assist with your next real estate transaction. Please feel free to give me a call.

Karl Goffe
60 East Main St
Kings Park, NY 11754
Title: Salesperson
Realtor Info:
Hi, I am a licensed real estate salesperson who covers the Queens and Brooklyn regions in areas that include Rosedale, St. Albans, Cambria Heights, Jamaica, and Queens Village. Please feel free to give me a call and I will be more than happy to assist you with any of your needs.

Kimberly Guada
60 East Main St
Kings Park, New York 11754
Title: Salesperson for Keystone USA
Realtor Info:
I am a licensed real estate agent. Give me a call and I will help you find your perfect home in the Brooklyn/Queens area.