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is North America's premier home inspection organization. We have been helping consumers make informed home purchase decisions since 1979.  HouseMaster is proud to have served over 1 Million customers and we continue to enjoy a reputation for quality, accuracy and service.

We have more services than any other Home Inspection Company

On-Site Report at time of Inspection
Certifications for Mortgage
Free Alarm System with CO detector
Commercial Property Inspections
Free Written Limited Inspection Guarantee
HouseMaster "Repairs you can do yourself" CD-ROM
Condo/Townhouse Inspections
New Construction Inspections
Cesspool Certifications
Seller Inspections
Radon Testing
VISA/MasterCard/Discover Accepted

Here are the reasons why you should refer your customers to HouseMaster.

1 Professional Engineers that are employees
2 Fast Service, Reporton Site, Reasonable Rates, Weekends
3 National Company, member BBB, NIBI, NAHI
4 Free Termite Inspection
5 Errors and Omissions Insurance with Workers Compensation
6 Video given on Home Repairs - promoting home ownership
7 Automatic 90 day guarantee (no other company offers this)
8 Free Alarm System
9 Complimentary Education Seminars

Do you wish buyer inspections would go away?

Now there’s a real way to eliminate the buyer’s home inspection and still protect all parties involved! With HouseMaster’s Pre-inspection Program, you can shift the timing of the home inspection from a time of disadvantage to a time of advantage!

Studies show Pre-Inspected homes sell 2x as fast as non- inspected homes.

70% of buyers of pre-inspected waived their own home inspection.

67% of sellers made repairs based on their inspector’s recommendation.

In a hot market, this could be the key to reducing non-disclosure issues even when the buyer’s inspection contingency is waived!

Ask for Matthew Kaplan and mention Keystone Realty USA for the Free alarm!
eMail sales@keystonerealtyusa.com

Trust, Integrity and Professionalism... contributing to your peace of mind - your local home inspection professionals with a national reputation.
HouseMaster® is a registered trademark of HMA Franchise Systems, Inc. Each HouseMaster® Franchise is Independently Owned and Operated. Not all services are available at every location. Site contents © HMA Franchise Systems, Inc.